Can wild rabbits eat spinach leaves?

Can rabbits eat fresh spinach leaves?

Rabbits should be fed spinach in moderation. It is best to feed it spinach once per week but no more than twice per week. Spinach should be given as part of a balanced diet with a variety of fresh produce, grass hay and pellets. Variety is essential.

Is spinach poisonous to rabbits?

Do not give broccoli to rabbits. It will give them painful gas. Never give your rabbit kale or spinach. Kale and spinach can cause health problems over time, due to the high amount of oxalates and goitrogens.

Can rabbits eat spinach greens?

Any leafy green that is safe for a human or a horse to eat is safe for a rabbit to consume. An approximate amount to feed would be around 1 cup of greens for 2 lbs of rabbit body weight once a day or divided into multiple feedings a day.

What can I feed a wild rabbit?

So, what should you feed to a wild rabbit? Hay is a good option. Remember, wild rabbits need to get most of their diet from grass, and dried grass is a great solution. You can leave hay in the garden for rabbits, and they will eat it when there is no fresh food available.

What can rabbits not eat?

Check out our list of 15 foods that you should never feed your rabbit:

  • Yogurt Drops. …
  • Bread, Pasta, Cookies, and Crackers. …
  • Avocado. …
  • Cereal. …
  • Iceberg Lettuce. …
  • Silverbeet. …
  • Hamster Food. …
  • Walnuts.

Is cucumber bad for rabbits?

Rabbits are not cats and therefore are not afraid of cucumbers, so these make perfectly good snacks. Romaine lettuce, curly kale, asparagus, celery – just about any of your standard greens will make fine rabbit food.

Can wild rabbits eat celery?

Do rabbits naturally eat celery? In the wild, rabbits do not eat celery. They also don’t eat carrots, despite our most basic understanding of these animals. Rabbits eat a lot of grass which is why grass or hay should be a large part of your pet rabbit’s diet.

Can wild rabbits eat carrots?

Do Wild Rabbits Eat Carrots? Wild rabbits can and do eat carrots. Especially if dark greens are not available to eat, it’s common for rabbits to eat carrots and carrot tops that stick out of the ground. If the rabbit has access to dark greens, the rabbit will likely prefer the leaves to the carrot, though.

What do wild bunnies eat in winter?

Rabbits consume twigs, branches, young trees, and shrub buds in the winter.

What vegetables do wild rabbits eat?

For the wild rabbits in your yard, you can give them:

  • Collard greens (high in vitamin A)
  • Beet greens (the tops, high in vitamin A)
  • Lettuce: Romaine, Red or Green leaf (no iceberg or light colored leaf)
  • Spinach.
  • Parsley.
  • Basil.
  • Mint.
  • Bok Choy.

What kind of greens can rabbits eat?

Particularly good vegetables include the dark leafy greens like romaine lettuce, bok choy, mustard greens, carrot tops, cilantro, watercress, basil, kohlrabi, beet greens, broccoli greens, and cilantro.

What is the Favourite food of rabbits?

A rabbit’s favorite food should be hay, though you may have to take steps to ensure that your rabbit is eating enough before adding in other foods that your rabbit loves. Hay should make up at least 80% of your rabbit’s diet, then it’s off to the races with fresh veggies and other treats!

Is it OK to feed wild rabbits?

If you try to feed wild rabbits directly or simply leave out bowls full of food for them, you run the risk of causing the rabbits to become completely dependent on you for food. It could soften the natural instincts of any rabbits that live nearby, making them less able to survive on their own.

Do wild rabbits eat tree leaves?

Final Thoughts. Wild rabbits are herbivores that primarily eat grass. Yet they have a few other food sources that use to supplement their diet. A rabbit will mainly eat vegetation such as grass, weeds, twigs, bark, flowers, and vegetable leaves.

Do wild rabbits eat apples?

Wild rabbits should not eat sugary fruits, such as apples and tomatoes. Even carrots aren’t considered suitable for wild rabbits. Rabbits in the wild prefer branches, twigs, dry and fresh grasses, and plants.

Can bunnies eat tomatoes?

Tomatoes Are Okay to Feed to Your Rabbit — In Small Quantities. The good news is that in small quantities, tomatoes are okay to feed your rabbit. A healthy rabbit will eat a mix of hay, vegetables, and pellets, with fruit added a few times per week. Tomatoes make a great occasional snack or treat for your rabbit.

What kills rabbits fast?

The most commonly used rabbit poison of this type in the Bay of Plenty is Pindone, though a CSL is not required to purchase or use Pindone in a baitstation, a CSL is required if using bait-mats or hand broadcasting pindone onto the ground. These poisons are fast acting and will kill rabbits after a single dose.

Can rabbits eat lettuce?

Myth #3 – Rabbits eat lettuce

Some lettuce is ‘worse’ than others – light-coloured varieties are high in water and have very little nutritional value, so are not recommended. You can feed darker, more leafy and fibrous varieties (e.g. romaine lettuce) to your rabbit, as these are higher in fibre and actual nutrients.

Can bunnies eat cabbage?


In short, rabbits can eat cabbage – and many of them love its crunchy texture, too. However, all the brassica vegetables are high in sulfurous compounds that can bother some rabbits’ digestive systems, giving them diarrhea or gas.

Can rabbits have Bell peppers?

Vegetables that can be fed to a rabbit daily: Bell peppers. Bok choy. Brussels sprouts.

Can rabbits have grapes?

Feed your rabbit a few grapes and they’ll be satisfied. Feed your rabbit too many grapes, and it can wreak havoc on their digestive system. In moderation, grapes promote intestinal health, but too many grapes can cause food to travel through the digestive tract so quickly that nutrients aren’t absorbed properly.

Do wild rabbits eat cucumbers?

Cucumbers are technically fruits, although they contain little sugar. Feeding cucumber to rabbits is fine every once in a while. Cucumber is non-toxic to rabbits, and most enjoy the taste. Rabbits can safely eat cucumber flesh, skin, and seeds.

Can wild rabbits eat kale?


As with almost every dark, leafy green, rabbits can eat kale – and you’re likely to see them do so in the wild. The folks at Medirabbit, a nonprofit organization dedicated to rabbit health information, agree on this point, saying that kale is “okay in limited amounts, but may cause gas in some rabbits.”

Will wild rabbits eat sunflower seeds?

Wild rabbits eat as quickly as they can from whatever food source they can find to store up fat for lean times. All wild rabbits possess individual tastes, including individuals of the 13 cottontail rabbit species. But many cottontails will eat birdseed such as sunflower seeds, which are loaded with nutritious oil.

Do wild rabbits drink water?

Pros: Rabbits in the wild will find their water source from the ground, so a crock is a natural way for them to drink water. They are very simple to fill, easy to clean, and if they break are fairly inexpensive to replace.

Can rabbits eat bananas?

When you’re considering what to feed your bunny, you may wonder: can I feed my rabbit a banana? The short answer is yes, rabbits can eat bananas. Just like other fruits and vegetables, rabbits love to eat bananas. You can even feed your rabbit the banana peel, but make sure you wash it first.

How do you befriend a wild rabbit?

When you are trying to get the rabbit to trust you, leave a trail of tasty food the rabbit will like to lead it towards you. This includes leafy green like arugula, dandelion leaves, and carrot slices. This will help it trust you and go towards taming it. Talk gently to it.

Where do rabbits sleep in the wild?

With the exception of hares and cottontails, who live mainly above ground, wild rabbits sleep together in burrows. A network of burrows is called is warren, which can be up to 10 feet deep and have numerous sleeping and nesting areas as well as multiple exit holes.

Can wild rabbits be tamed?

Unfortunately, it is no more possible to tame a baby wild rabbit, than an adult one. Their wild instincts are programmed into them at such a fundamental level, that they will never really be comfortable living with people.

Can rabbits eat spinach stems?

Spinach stems, leaves and flowers are all safe and non-toxic to rabbits of all types. But, most spinach grown for sale in grocery stores is treated with pesticides which can harm rabbits. So it’s important to wash store bought spinach before you feed it to your pet.

Can rabbits be allergic to spinach?

It’s possible for a rabbit to be allergic to spinach. When introducing spinach to your rabbit, do so in small doses. This is advisable anyway. Too much new food at once can upset a rabbit’s digestion.

What are the best vegetables for rabbits?

Particularly good vegetables include the dark leafy greens like romaine lettuce, bok choy, mustard greens, carrot tops, cilantro, watercress, basil, kohlrabi, beet greens, broccoli greens, and cilantro.

Will rabbits eat spinach in my garden?

Sadly, the answer is no. NO vegetable plants or herbs are truly rabbit-proof. Like us, they have their favorite foods. BUT if food is scare they will eat anything.

Can wild rabbits eat carrots?

Do Wild Rabbits Eat Carrots? Wild rabbits can and do eat carrots. Especially if dark greens are not available to eat, it’s common for rabbits to eat carrots and carrot tops that stick out of the ground. If the rabbit has access to dark greens, the rabbit will likely prefer the leaves to the carrot, though.

Is celery safe for rabbits?

Celery is a healthy food for your rabbit. It contains fiber, folic acid, potassium, and other vitamins and minerals that are key to your bun’s health. Fiber is the most important piece of a rabbit’s diet. They should get most of their daily fiber needs from eating hay.

Is cabbage good for rabbits?


Handled properly, cabbage can provide abundant nutrients and valuable roughage to your rabbit’s diet. Read on to learn how much cabbage is safe for your rabbits to eat.

Can rabbits eat broccoli leaves?

Typically, broccoli leaves produce less gas than the florets or stems. Many veterinarians recommend only letting your rabbit eat the leaves, rather than the stems or florets.

Can rabbits eat bananas?

When you’re considering what to feed your bunny, you may wonder: can I feed my rabbit a banana? The short answer is yes, rabbits can eat bananas. Just like other fruits and vegetables, rabbits love to eat bananas. You can even feed your rabbit the banana peel, but make sure you wash it first.

Can rabbits have tomatoes?

Tomatoes Are Okay to Feed to Your Rabbit — In Small Quantities. The good news is that in small quantities, tomatoes are okay to feed your rabbit. A healthy rabbit will eat a mix of hay, vegetables, and pellets, with fruit added a few times per week. Tomatoes make a great occasional snack or treat for your rabbit.

What vegetables do wild rabbits eat?

Vegetables and Herbs

In fact, rabbits don’t eat root vegetables in the wild. The types of vegetables that rabbits eat are leafy greens or legumes such as: Broccoli. Swiss chard.

What vegetables should rabbits have everyday?

Rabbits must have an adult-sized handful of safe washed leafy green vegetables, herbs and weeds daily.

  • Feed a variety of greens daily, ideally 5-6 different types, such as cabbage/kale/broccoli/parsley/mint.
  • Introduce new types of greens gradually in small amounts to avoid potential stomach upsets.

Can rabbits eat green leaf lettuce?

Bunny Approved!

This list of acceptable foods are all that I have given to my bunnies. They include the following: Lettuce (Romaine, Red or Green Leaf, Escarole, Endive, Radicchio, etc. Rabbits do like the bitter varieties.)

What vegetables can rabbits not eat?

Poisonous vegetables for rabbits include potatoes, rhubarb, mushrooms, broad beans, kidney beans and iceberg lettuce, Dacombe says. On the fruit side, avocado is a fatty fruit that contains a fungicidal toxin called persin that can be deadly if ingested by a pet rabbit.

What garden vegetables do rabbits avoid?

Plants rabbits tend to avoid include:

  • Vegetables: asparagus, leeks, onions, potatoes, rhubarb, squash, tomatoes.
  • Flowers: cleomes, geraniums, vincas, wax begonias.
  • Herbs: basil, mint, oregano, parsley, tarragon.

Which plants can rabbits eat?

Plants that are safe for rabbits

  • Roses. Rose bushes are safe for rabbits to chew on. …
  • Daisies. While not incredibly nutritious, daisies can be a yummy treat for your rabbit. …
  • Dandelions. Dandelions are actually nutritious for rabbits. …
  • Sunflowers. …
  • Mints. …
  • Bell flowers. …
  • Willow. …
  • Jasmine.

Can wild rabbits eat lettuce?

For the wild rabbits in your yard, you can give them: Collard greens (high in vitamin A) Beet greens (the tops, high in vitamin A) Lettuce: Romaine, Red or Green leaf (no iceberg or light colored leaf)

Do wild rabbits eat apples?

Wild rabbits should not eat sugary fruits, such as apples and tomatoes. Even carrots aren’t considered suitable for wild rabbits. Rabbits in the wild prefer branches, twigs, dry and fresh grasses, and plants.

Do wild rabbits eat sunflower seeds?

Wild rabbits eat as quickly as they can from whatever food source they can find to store up fat for lean times. All wild rabbits possess individual tastes, including individuals of the 13 cottontail rabbit species. But many cottontails will eat birdseed such as sunflower seeds, which are loaded with nutritious oil.

Can bunnies eat Bell peppers?

Do not feed your rabbit potatoes, corn, beans, seeds or nuts. These foods are dif?cult for rabbits to digest and can cause serious digestive problems. Vegetables that can be fed to a rabbit daily: Bell peppers.

Can rabbits eat potatoes?

Rabbits can eat potatoes, but it isn’t a good idea to offer them to your rabbit, even in small amounts. Wild rabbits don’t eat starch-dense foods, so neither should a domestic rabbit. Neither white potatoes nor red potatoes offer any nutritional benefit to a rabbit.

Can rabbits eat blueberries?

Rabbits can Eat Blueberries. Oh, rabbits most certainly can eat blueberries… And they absolutely love them, too! In fact, most rabbits will gladly nudge, lick, and otherwise generally bother you any time you have a fresh fruit in your hands.

Can rabbits eat green beans?

Many rabbits are adventurous eaters, willing to nibble on just about anything. It’s true that rabbits can eat green beans, but they should only be given as an occasional treat. This is because any type of bean (including green beans) can cause indigestion and gas in rabbits.

Can bunnies eat brussel sprouts?


Brussel sprouts are a leaf vegetable in the same family as cabbages, making them a safe option for most rabbits to eat. However, not all rabbits tolerate brussels sprouts well. You’ll need to test your rabbit’s individual taste for brussels sprouts by introducing them slowly into its diet.

Can rabbits eat zucchini?


Zucchini squash, also known as courgette, is safe for rabbits to eat. It is a good supplement to a rabbit’s usual diet of fresh hay and clean water. Use zucchini to provide variety as well as extra vitamins and minerals for your rabbit’s diet.

Can rabbits eat carrot peelings?

Starting at the top, you can rinse and trim the greens of carrots as a nutrient-rich supplement to your rabbit’s diet – and one that isn’t as high in sugar as the roots. Because of this high sugar content, we recommend peeling thin strips off your carrot to feed to your rabbit.

Can rabbits fart?

However, rabbits usually have a low-fiber diet, which is high in carbohydrates. This can lead to a gas build up (Known as GI stasis). So, rabbits do not only fart – but they have to do it in order to avoid a gas build up, which can be deadly to them if not treated on time.

Can bunnies eat cauliflower leaves?


Cauliflower can make for a versatile addition to your rabbit’s diet, as they can eat every part of the plant. The florets, leaves, and stalks are all equally suitable to offer your pet as a supplement to their nutrition.

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Can bunnies eat spinach, Can rabbits eat spinach lettuce, Can rabbits eat spinach daily, Can rabbits eat celery, What greens can rabbits eat, Do wild rabbits eat celery, What can rabbits eat, Can wild rabbits eat carrots.

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